Welcome to Unigas
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Open Season

The following individuals have assisted and contributed their professional expertise in developing this underground gas storage system:

Storage Staffing
Engineering & Management
Dr. Henry Crichlow P.E.-Engineering, Management, Project Leader
Mr. David Goss - Development, Management
Mr. Gaylord Hinshaw - Geology/Geophysics
Mr. Lorne Stoppler - Pipeline Engineering
Dr. Etti Willams - Geologist-Environmental
Mr. Nelson Spradin P.E-Engineer, Pipelines
Mr. Brain Powley - Engineer/Lawyer
Mr. Kent Meyer P.E. - Engineer
Mr. Dave Sheffield - Drilling
Mr. Joe Bruns - Geologist
Mr. Mike Merrit - Geologist
Mr. Ralph McKinstry - Pipeline Engineering
Legal & Regulatory
Atty. Molly Jameson - Legal & Land, OK
Atty. Willam Mattoon - Legal, OK
Atty. Michael Paige - FERC, Regulatory Wash, DC
Atty. Hank Watson - OKCC, Regulatory, OK
Administration & Support
Mr. Bob Marsh - Landman, OK
Mr. Brian Malck - Landman, OK
Mr. Darryl hammick - Research
Mrs.Ila Mathews - Administrative
Mrs.Janet Adair - CPA, Accounting
Mrs.Jimmi Lee - Research